Some of our South Division officers and members of the CMPD’s Aviation and K-9 Units enjoyed time as special guests for Police Day at Calvary Child Development Center in south Charlotte Tuesday morning.
International Women's Day is a day we celebrate the countless women who have fought tirelessly and courageously for equality, justice, and opportunity to build a better and more inclusive country.
RECYCLING PLANT FIRE: When Charlotte Fire arrived on scene at this scrap metal recycling facility, large flames and plumes of smoke could be seen for miles.
We need your help! As Charlotte Fire prepares to host our annual FREE camps for kids – Camp Ignite and Camp Hornet's Nest, the need to help local students is greater than ever.
If you want to learn more about Mecklenburg EMS Agency - Medic and upcoming changes to how they respond in our community, you can attend one of their upcoming community meetings.
Meet Metro Division Officer Nic Jones. He provided potentially life-saving treatment alongside Charlotte Fire to a teen who had been shot multiple times.